about us

At Sandton Radiology we are fortunate to have an excellent team of Professional, Administrative and Auxilliary Staff. We employ over 100 staff members. We are an equal opportunity employer. We strive to maintain the highest levels of professional excellence, with ongoing training, and accreditation in multiple areas of specialisation. We endeavour to provide helpful, informative and caring personal attention to patients. We work closely with our medical colleagues in order to provide the best and safest possible service to the patient.



Dr Ralph Posner
Dr Ralph PosnerMB ChB (Pret) FFRad D (SA)
Dr Bretton Woods
Dr Bretton WoodsMB BCh FCRad D (SA) FRCR (London) FRANZCR
Dr Gerno Rozendaal
Dr Gerno RozendaalMB BCh (Stell) MMed (Rad D) FCRad
Dr Leon Izerel
Dr Leon IzerelMB BCh FFRad (D) (SA)
Dr Donovan Bam
Dr Donovan BamMB BCh FCRad D (SA)
Dr Kate Mahango
Dr Kate MahangoMB BCh (UKZN) MSc (Wits) FCRad (SA)
Dr Anton Koen
Dr Anton KoenMB BCh FCRad (D) FRCR
Dr Ralph Hurwitz
Dr Ralph HurwitzMB BCh (Wits) FCRad (SA) MMed Rad (Pret)
Dr Tamarin Nell
Dr Tamarin NellMB CBch FCRad (Rad D) (SA) MMed (Wits)
Dr Peter Nathaniel
Dr Peter NathanielMB BCh (Wits) FFRad D (Wits) Dip Interventional Rad (UOFS)
Dr Thato Sefanyetso
Dr Thato SefanyetsoMB BCh (WITS) FCRad D (SA) MMED RadD (Wits)

Administrative Department

Lize Naude
Lize NaudeFinance Manager
Martina Pansi
Martina PansiDebtors Manager
Christine Breedt
Christine BreedtHR Manager


Sharlet Munisamy
Sharlet MunisamyOperations Manager
Professional Nursing

Chief Radiographers

Eleanor Spies
Eleanor SpiesChief Radiographer - Sandton
Patient Liaison
Lisa-PalmerChief Radiographer - Morningside
Patient Liaison


Reggie Viljoen
Reggie ViljoenIT Manager - Sandton
Information Officer

Mediclinic Morningside | PET CT

Tel: 011 883 3320
Fax: 011 884 6778

PET/CT Contact
Mediclinic Morningside Hill Road (Off Rivonia Rd)
Tel: 011 783 0787

Mediclinic Sandton

Tel: 011 706 6166
Fax: 011 706 6177

Accounts and Administration
122 11th Street, Parkmore
Tel: 011 884 3728
Fax: 011 884 6322